The Best Free Bitcoin Mining Software
2 min read
There are many questions we’d like to know answer to: what are promotional bonus codes? Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, are they still relevant? To the latter, we give you the answer: Yes, they are. And people are mining to this day, even though Bitcoin’s value goes up and down extremely quickly, as does, subsequently, the value of all other cryptocurrencies.
Bitcoin is the most popular of cryptocurrencies, the one people turn to to set the prices and value of all other cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin is still the top dog in the world of cryptocurrencies. When it comes to mining, however, not all applications are great and not all will meet your demands. Paid applications, for once, are overrated. With that in mind, here are the top free applications for Bitcoin mining which you can use today.
CGMiner, an old school Command Prompt like software which does everything and is free. Wait, text, consoles?! Yes, this is one of the reasons as to why the software is that good and fast. It is written in C and is very speedy, thanks in no small part to its textual interface. It supports FPGA/ASIC miners. Users on Linux, macOS and Windows systems will be able to download and use this simple but feature-packed application. It has full system monitoring, from temperature controls to API management and you can even access and use it remotely. If you can learn to use its textual interface, it is the best application for Bitcoin mining which you can get for free.

It looks almost identically like CGMiner but it only works with ASIC devices. What gives? Well, it is a fork of CGMiner and is specialized for ASIC mining, while also using a different template to help you achieve your goals. While CGMiner uses getwork template, BFGMiner uses getblock template, meaning that your process of mining is a bit more decentralized. If you can get over its textual interface, once again, it will work very well if you plan on doing ASIC mining. Also written in C, the software is fast and never gets in the way (provided that you are used to working in a console).
After doing a read on your hardware, it opens up a graphical interface for you to use. Wait, you don’t have to type to mine?! Yes, MultiMiner has a GUI, and a very simple one, at that. It is the most user friendly of the free mining programs and is based on BFGMiner, so you already know that it does the job right. It is cross platform compatible, meaning that you can use it on Linux, macOS and Windows systems. Likewise, it can remotely connect and control to other devices on the network, if it detects any.
This is the best free Bitcoin mining software, but only a small part of the otherwise large pool of applications.